The Ancient Healing Practice of Sun Gazing

The Ancient Healing Practice of Sun Gazing

Sun exposure in moderation, at the right times of day can be incredibly beneficial to our health in countless ways. We will cover what sun gazing is, the health benefits of sun gazing, how to sun gaze, and the times of day that provide a positive impact without any...
Vitamin Sea: Powerful Health Benefits of One Day at the Beach

Vitamin Sea: Powerful Health Benefits of One Day at the Beach

Just one day at the beach has innumerable benefits beyond fresh air and a feeling of relaxation. Ocean health benefits include elements like ocean air, sand, sea water, deep sea water, and even aquatic colors. All ocean elements have unique and powerful qualities that...
The Healing Powers of Mother Nature: Mind, Body, & Spirit

The Healing Powers of Mother Nature: Mind, Body, & Spirit

Come with me on one of my favorite hikes in Sonoma County, California in the below YouTube video. As we walk the woods together, we’ll talk about the healing power of Mother Nature and how simply spending time outdoors, ideally in nature, can improve your mental,...
Unlock Meditation’s Healing Powers for Autoimmune Disease

Unlock Meditation’s Healing Powers for Autoimmune Disease

Meditation is a transformative, limitless power within your reach that provides inner peace, clarity, and tranquility, but it can also provide significant progress in the pursuit of not only managing autoimmune disease, but giving you sovereignty over you condition...