Sure, we all have times when things don’t go our way, but what about when it feels like every single thing is going wrong? It feels like an avalanche of events; one thing after the other after the other after the other. You checked the calendar and were dismayed when you discovered Mercury was not in retrograde…

We’re going to cover what the Universe/God/Source is trying to tell you, what it all means, clarifying questions to ask yourself to make sure you are on the right path, tips on how to stay healthy and functioning when shit hits the fan (oops, did I just say that?!), and how to turn that catastrophic ship around. Whew, it’s a lot to cover! Watch the YouTube video below or keep reading to put all the Humpty Dumpty pieces back together again.

I just recently had a series of events that felt like I stumbled on some serious “bad luck”, which inspired this post and video. Nothing like real life experience to lend a helping hand. What transpired ranged from huge, scary things to the smallest, which accumulated for weeks on end.

You can be the most organized person, engineer and follow your “perfect day”, but sometimes things are out of our control. 

Or so we think.

I could have easily blamed large corporations, bad customer service, or the other person… and from the outside perspective – that would have been completely just. However, at some point blaming and having a pity party doesn’t get you very far, even if you aren’t to blame. You’re still at square one – you still have to eventually figure things out.

This is where I got curious, because as much as I tried to “go with the flow”, even then, the most random things kept happening; one thing after another and all unrelated.

At some point, you may do what I did and ask – What does this all meannnnn???!!!!!

What It All Means

When things start to feel a little too strange, synchronistic, and synergistic, but not in a good way – you may look towards the heavens and say, “What gives”. 

There are a few possibilities here:

  • You are on the wrong path.
  • You are on the right path, but you are being “tested”.
  • It is time to pivot or change focus.
  • You may think it’s all hogwash and that energetics, frequencies, and the law of attraction are a bunch of nonsense.

Well, I have a question for you non-believers: when shit hits the fan, do you want to just take life’s sucker punches or do you want to actually gain something from the experience?

I’m all for getting some form of compensation out of a “bad” experience, I might as well find the silver lining; learn something from it, and potentially integrate that experience into something for the common good.

If you know my life story dealing with autoimmune diseases for over a decade, placing them in remission naturally, and helping others, you know that I have integrated what was seen as incredibly negative and unfortunate and turned it into something positive by helping others. What was seen as a curse, became a heartfelt blessing.

I am a believer that the answers are for you to determine, but I believe there is so much to what you may be experiencing that is worth the exploration to find answers and deeper meaning.

How Do You Know If You Are On The “Wrong Path”?

Both are likely possibilities. The answer is, it’s not for anyone to tell you one way or another; me, some website, video, priest, psychic, or tarot card reader. Deep down, we know if we are on the wrong path if we are truly honest with ourselves. We can either listen to the gift which we all have, which is intuition; that gut feeling, or we can ignore it.

You may deep down know you are in the wrong relationship, career, or town, but are avoiding that ultimate decision to make a change because it is beyond uncomfortable. It is up to you to acknowledge that critical detail and move forward without resistance and embrace flow.

In my life, I was on what I thought was the “wrong path” for some time, which I finally admitted to myself. It takes guts to turn in a completely different direction, but you will never regret honoring what is true for you.

The Right Path, But Are Being “Tested”

The other option is – maybe you are on the right path, but are being “tested”.

At first, if you are going through a rough patch, it may feel like this is a sign you are on the wrong path. This is where I think a lot of people are not really honest with themselves either, because it is a lot easier to give up when things get tough.

If you are striving to become the most expansive version of yourself, whether it is optimal health, the ideal weight, that awesome career, that multi-million dollar business, or spiritual self-actualization – these things are not just gifted to us. We may be given challenges to prove we are capable of embodying these elevated frequencies.

  • If you pray to be stronger, you may just be gifted with some difficult challenges to overcome.
  • If you ask to be wiser, you may have puzzles thrown at you to figure out.
  • If you ask to be healthier, you may be tested with a stressful event to test how a “healthy” person would overcome the obstacle.
  • If you ask to be wealthier, you may be given more bills to see if you are ready to embody the next financial phase that asks you to be capable of handling it with ease.

In other words, we ask for what we want, but are you ready to embody the energy/frequency of what it is that you want?

So in a way, yes, the Universe/God/Source testing us can be real and we just may be asking for it without knowing it.

Questions to Ask Yourself To Decide Where You Stand

Here are some questions to ask yourself and maybe journal about to help you decide where you currently stand.

  • Am I asking to be something I am currently not?
  • Do I have to step up and embody a different way of being to achieve my goals?
  • Will I achieve what it is that I want by what I am currently being and doing now?
  • If I am really honest with myself, am I on the wrong path and afraid to make a needed change?
  • If I need to pivot, what am I afraid of or avoiding?
  • If I know deep down I am on the right path, what am I being asked to change, adapt to, learn, or pivot?
  • How bad do I want it? What am I willing to do, sacrifice, work at?
  • And my favorite: What would the highest, most expansive version of myself do?

You May Be Receiving Messages

When things go wrong, we may just be receiving “messages” to change gears:

  • Slow down
  • Pause
  • Pivot and change focus
  • Ask for help – sometimes we need to learn to ask for help and not to do everything ourselves.
  • Get resourceful, even scrappy! You may think about other ideas and resources just because you are in a pickle that you would have never thought of before.
  • Prioritize something else. For example, maybe your health needs center stage and not working around the clock.
  • To empower yourself and take charge.

What To Do 

How does this relate to health and wellness? Well, when things go awry, we typically ditch our healthy habits in favor of easy dopamine hits that are ingrained in our subconscious mind. Habits like overeating, bingeing on sugar, drinking that extra glass of wine, too much time spent scrolling social media, skipping that workout, and forgetting to meditate… it may seem like a good idea at the moment, but guess what science shows us? It doesn’t move the needle in terms of lowering stress, whatsoever.

So let’s discuss what actually moves the needle; provides stress relief and life direction on the path you actually want to go on.


I just provided some great prompts above to dig in to ask yourself a few questions to really get to the bottom of things. If you don’t know how to journal or where to start, click this post to learn how or watch this video.

If we don’t dive below the surface of our monkey mind, how are we to know what is really going on and make impactful change? Journaling is a wonderful solution to discover the root of the issue. 

Have A Wellness Toolkit

When I work with clients, we develop healthy habits to respond to life’s challenges.

There are many things science show us that actually helps alleviate stress, improve mood, provide rest, and increase productivity.

Activities include: breath work, working out, spending time outdoors (ideally in nature), meditation, creative projects, gratitude, prayer, and self-care activities.

Ask yourself if you had a horrible day, week, experience – what would you do to self-soothe? Is the pattern healthy or unhealthy? If it is unhealthy, start asking what you could do out of the healthy activities listed. Chances are if we have a few ideas of what we could do instead, it is better than not giving it any thought at all. 

Turn That Ship Around

Life has its ebbs and flows, it’s just sometimes those ebbs are more like tidal waves.

To turn that ship around, turn bad luck into good:

  1. Keep your wellness toolkit at the forefront. Take care of yourself and your stress levels in a healthy way first.
  2. Learn about your path by asking yourself empowering questions, but most importantly what you can do about your current circumstance.
  3. Go with the flow, even when things go awry. This is not to be confused with conceding to something that is unacceptable. Rather, this is to work with current energies to your benefit. Let energies happen, but always look for ways to empower yourself to become the best version of yourself. You get much further with accepting what is versus a state of resistance. We may not always like what transpires, but we always have the free will to do something about it.

Remember that everything will be okay. You have tools, your mind, and the ability to turn a bad experience into something good (and you’ll be all the wiser on top of it all).

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