Holistic Healing Solution a natural self-healing journey designed to achieve optimal health naturally, eradicate symptoms, and find complete alignment. Cristy Powers signature program for anyone, autoimmune disease, chronic illness, Lupus, Hashimoto's, and more.

Reclaim your health & transform your life.

A custom 3-month 1:1 mind, body, spirit health transformation to address the root causes of inflammation and dis-ease. The exact protocol I used to overcome Lupus and Hashimoto’s naturally. Designed to empower you to reclaim your life, eradicate symptoms, and reveal optimal, vibrant health, as nature intended.

For those who want to address the root causes of inflammation, symptoms, and dis-ease naturally.

Holistic Self-Healing programs coming soon designed to eradicate symptoms naturally and at your own pace. Autoimmune disease, chronic illness, weight loss, skin rashes, brain fog, chronic fatigue.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-healing for mind, body, and spirit. Holistic Healing Solution offers a personalized, meticulously crafted 1:1 coaching program tailored to conquer your unique health challenges naturally and achieve your goals. With Cristy’s direct guidance, reveal natural alignment, optimal health, and the enduring joy that follows being the authentic you.

You think you’re eating healthy and doing the “right thing”, but you still feel sick.

You’ve tried different diets, supplements, methodologies, but nothing gives you tangible results.

You’re confused about all the conflicting advice and information available and just want to be told what to do to feel better.

You’re going to doctors and specialists, even taking medication, but you feel the same or worse.

Symptoms are not going away, new symptoms surface, or worse yet, another diagnosis appears on top of what you already have.

You may not have a diagnosis but have symptoms or feel terrible, but are tired of chasing a diagnosis to start feeling better.

You do not feel seen, heard, or understood for what you are going through in your health journey.

You feel your health goals and how you want to approach your healing journey are not shared by mainstream medicine. 

You feel you can barely function or energetically get through a day; something has to change.

You want to get to the bottom of why this is happening and what to do about it once and for all.

You are tired of your condition impacting your health, your relationships, your career, and life trajectory.

You intuitively know deep down the path you are on is not working.

You want to address your health naturally.

You are ready to reclaim the life that is waiting for you…

Love you so much, Cristy! Thank you for helping save my life and teaching me how to live a better life. I am so happy because of you. You are God’s gift to us all. xxx

Nazeli P.

I was suffering with skin issues for several years and tried many different programs, cleanse, supplements and nothing would help.

Working with Cristy with in the first week of eliminating inflammatory foods (which I thought were healthy) my joints were not painful and my skin began to clear up AND to this day I’ve not had a flare up which is wonderful!

Mary K.

Cristy changed my life. She saved me. I found myself settling for living in pain, being overweight, and unhappy. Doing her program I fell in love with myself all over again, gained confidence, felt pretty, started standing up for myself, and an added bonus was losing over 40 pounds.

Elise W.

root causes of inflammation and disease. Tree with roots. As above so below.
as above so below. Learn to self-heal autoimmune disease and chronic illness and regain inner balance as nature intended.

Eradicate symptoms like:

debilitating chronic fatigue,

brain fog,

skin rashes,

joint pain,

gut issues,

weight loss,

hair loss,


& many others.

Conditions & dis-eases:



Thyroid disorders,



Rhuematoid Arthritis,


Disease prevention

“Mysterious” conditions, etc.

You are designed perfectly.

The self-healing journey is discovering what works with your design;

mind, body, & soul.

holistic healing solution methodology for autoimmune disease and to eradicate symptoms

Self-healing is a gentle, loving, incremental journey back to the authentic self. 

What You Will Receive

  • 3 months of 1:1 coaching to create a lifestyle custom to meet your health goals naturally – that you love. 
  • You are taught skills to self-heal and prevent inflammation and dis-ease.
  • Foundational mindset work to create lasting change.
  • 1:1 60-minute video calls each week for 90 days.
  • Accountability throughout the weeks during our 90 days together for complete confidence in navigating your health.
  • A thorough, detailed, and customized holistic health plan each week covering everything impacting your specific concerns.
  • Incremental, gentle changes as we go that are gentle vs. abrasive. This is about creating what is in alignment with you authentically are.
  • Educational modules each week of the program to empower you with the intention and “why” behind everything we do together. If you fundamentally understand what elements are impacting your health, you logically make changes for good.
  • This is a holistic (mind – body – spirit) journey. We cover all wellness topics – mindset work, stress management, environmental, breath work, hormones, gut health, spiritual/metaphysical, and more.
  • Access to all videos, materials, guides, and resources provided after our work together. This is designed for you to learn how to self-heal and spread your wings and fly.

I would say the program is life-changing. You learn to live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of your life. At first, I was only focused on the diet and exercise portion of the program, but I learned so much more. What I learned was invaluable. Cristy, your program is truly amazing. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I signed up and it far exceeded my expectations. Thank you!

Debbie R.

When I started with Cristy I thought the focus would be primarily food, food choices, and physical health. I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and my goal is to avoid immunotherapies. As a Registered Nurse, I know that every medication comes with a tradeoff, many appointments, and simply masks symptoms instead of healing. I have embraced a new life that allows me to have more control over my day-to-day routine, thoughts, and physical health. I find that I am happier, focused on the present while still striving for more, and my physical inflammation and ailments have subsided. Cristy’s program is worth every penny and ounce of energy.

Hayley H.

I had chronic eczema on my hands for over 15 years. I no longer play the Russian roulette game… I now know what triggers my eczema. Thank you Cristy, you did what the medical community could not do and identified the cause and helped me. I am truly grateful.

Travis S.