Do you ever say, “WHHHYYYY?!” when you see wilted, even moldy veggies and herbs right after you bought them? Well, that was me. I spent lots of money on good quality, organic produce only to find something in the fridge I could no longer use…

Fast forward when I learned a thing or two on how to extend the life of produce, days, even *gasp* weeks. So let’s get to the tips and tricks, shall we? Time to save a whole lotta money, and keep things fresh! Oh, and did I mention this is environmentally friendly? There’s that too.

Problem: Those fancy herbs are so pretty, tasty, and a fancy touch we don’t use enough. Why is that? Likely, because they wilt in a day or two.

Solution: Herb tubes or “savers”. These are amazing and I wish I would have found them sooner. Instead of a few days, herbs can last weeks. Yes, weeks! It keeps everything air-tight and you can even put a little water in the bottom (I often don’t and it still works!) to keep everything extra fresh. Investing in these tubes will not only save you boat loads of money, but will likely encourage you to buy more herbs knowing you don’t have to use them right away.

herb saver tubes
Prepara Herb Saver, Pack of 3

Problem: Lemons drying up once you cut into them. Sometimes I just want a slice and not the whole lemon. I’m guessing you’re the same and I use lemons every single day. Whether it’s in my water or my cooking, I want my lemons to stay fresh. I also don’t want older lemons aging too quickly and getting blue/gray mold all over. Let’s slow down the lemon aging process…

Solution: The lemon container. It’s handy-dandy, inexpensive, and even cute in the fridge. Oh, and let’s not forget it actually keeps your lemons fresh and not shriveled, old, and already ready for the compost.

lemon saver

The Lemon Saver

Problem: Listen, the same goes for the onion. Yellow, white, red, they all get dry the moment we cut into them. Stop wrapping them in plastic wrap that you’ll just have to get into again and again. It’s not environmentally friendly or safe to use plastic wrap, simply put.

Solution: The onion saver. Just like the lemon saver, it keeps things air-tight, fresh, and yes, it’s cute too. Psst – there are many other vegetable containers too!


The Onion Saver

Problem: Since we’re on the topic of plastic wrap, it just isn’t environmentally-friendly and it also increases your BPA exposure… all bad stuff. However, there is a nifty reusable solution for ya! 

Solution: Time to get waxy. Yes, there is wax wrap now that is safe for everybody! When something is environmentally friendly, guess what? That means it is safe for you too! Funny how those things are connected. It is also organic, washable, reusable (hello, savings!), and made from a B Corp. We like supporting B Corps… ?


Bee’s Wax Reusable Wrap

Problem: Juices, smoothies, and homemade broth that loose their freshness. No one wants stuff that tastes flat or stale.

Solution: Good old fashioned mason jars. I love using mason jars for a morning smoothie on the go. It keeps everything fresh, airtight, stores nice and neat, and is transportable without worrying about spillage. You can also store marinades, sauces, dressings, etc. Great grandma is nodding yes right now (she’s known all along).

mason jars to s

Mason Jars

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