Sedona, you had me at first (internet-stalking) sight. Your stunning red rock formations and tales of powerful vortexes piqued my interest and drew me in (with your mythical desert magic spells?). 

Many Pinterest pins later, I finally went! Whether you are going to Sedona to see never ending natural wonders, go on incredible (and challenging) hikes, take a spiritual trip with a shaman or gain much-needed clarity… be rest assured you will get just that and by the way, careful what you wish for! Sedona will not disappoint.

In fact, Sedona packs a punch and gains complexity every day you are there. I have never experienced anything like it.

I definitely plan on going back for more. I have this feeling that Sedona will give you a different experience every time you go. My first time there, I focused mainly on geographic bearings by hiking up a storm. Literally. At Bell Rock, I was hit by an otherworldly storm which I openly blame the male vortex energy for!

If you are like me and want to hike to the top to see the view, keep in mind, most hikes are pretty technical, so pack dependable hiking shoes and definitely a wide brim hat with plenty of sunscreen (the sun is incredibly powerful there). Oh, and do not forget the water bottle. Most hikes are quite the workout!


Cathedral Rock is not only a powerful set of rock formations but a feminine vortex with gorgeous vistas and endless hiking. The hike to the top is intense but well worth the climb. So what is a vortex and why is it so special? Well, vortexes can be described in depth here, but are generally speaking powerful and transformational energy centers that happen to be all over Sedona! In fact, here is a helpful vortex map, so you can discover yourself.

I visited Cathedral Rock two times, once to hike to the top and take awesome jaw-dropping photos but another time to soak in the energy that is Cathedral Rock. Yes, I said it. You do feel the energy there and it feels darn good. 

I hired a guide for a vortex tour and I highly recommend it. I went through Sedona Destinations. Miguel (my guide) was knowledgeable on the history of Sedona, Cathedral Rock and brought all the bells and whistles you could ask for in a guide.

With meditation, Qi gong, and Native American drumming, I entered a spiritual space and fully absorbed (and appreciated) my time at Cathedral Rock. It was unforgettable and only piqued my interest further in Sedona and the power of its vortexes. 



Apparently, Bell Rock is a combination of masculine and feminine energies, but I must say, up towards the top left I was hit by a storm that almost knocked me over. Lightning struck, clouds darkened and the wind blew with such force that I was afraid I would have to crawl down the rocks to get all the way back down. I would dare say that is the masculine side of Bell Rock. Regardless, it’s another aggressive hike, but so fun if you’re up for the challenge!


Crystals and everything mystical intrigue me. There are tons of stores in Sedona for all sorts of rocks, crystals and spiritual knick-knacks, but the one I found with the best selection (and pricing) was a little off the beaten path called “Crystal Magic”. On the way back, stop by Lulu’s Chocolates for an amazing chocolate truffle. Why not?



Definitely an architectural sight to see; a small yet impressive chapel nestled within Sedona’s red rocks. It juts out dramatically but oddly fits altogether at the same time. It’s interesting and should be on the list of things to see. 



Rightly named Devil’s Bridge, so consider yourself warned. Although another long and sweaty hike, this one is dramatic beyond measure and will have you questioning your fear of heights. It’s quite the trek to the top, so mentally prepare and set some time aside.


In fact, once I got to Devil’s Bridge to take a photo, I openly said, “Uhh, I don’t know if I want to go over there…”. Well, it’s not as scary as it looks once you actually are on the “bridge”. 


Regardless, I was looking down and counting every step. I did breath a sigh of relief once I came back to the other side. Well worth every step there!


Say that three times fast, or how about just once?! This series of Spanish styled shops ooze charm. I lucked out and caught a Mexican festival while I was there (with live music and dancing in the courtyards), along with an adorable farmer’s market. By the way, the people are so friendly in Sedona! Great shopping, beautiful courtyards with fountains and a sprinkling of restaurants, this is an excellent treat after strenuous hiking.


Although my first trip was active and mostly physical, I can’t wait to go back and experience more of the spiritual side with a heavy dose of well-deserved spa treatments. Regardless, Sedona has forever enchanted me. It’s quirky, mysterious and one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. I think I’m in love, Sedona… 

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