Valentine’s Day: Laughter, Love and Lectin-Free Treats

Valentine’s Day: Laughter, Love and Lectin-Free Treats

I don’t care if I’m attached or single, either way I love my Valentine’s Day! This Valentine’s Day I wanted to make sure my single friends (myself included) feel pampered and loved, so I decided to throw a cozy little soirèe full of lectin free...
Dream Big with a Vision Board

Dream Big with a Vision Board

Resolutions, intentions, and goals are wonderful to dream up, but powerful when you create a vision board! Ritualize a vision board project each New Year or even periodically throughout the year as you manifest your dreams… I love making vision boards any time...
Want More Energy? Think Like A Kid…

Want More Energy? Think Like A Kid…

“Come on, kids are young that’s why they have so much energy!” I know, I know and I used to think the same thing. They do have boundless energy, but you can have it too. Take it from someone who desperately craved an average amount of energy and...