Vitamin Sea: Powerful Health Benefits of One Day at the Beach

Vitamin Sea: Powerful Health Benefits of One Day at the Beach

Just one day at the beach has innumerable benefits beyond fresh air and a feeling of relaxation. Ocean health benefits include elements like ocean air, sand, sea water, deep sea water, and even aquatic colors. All ocean elements have unique and powerful qualities that...
Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail & What Winter Is Asking Of You

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail & What Winter Is Asking Of You

Could there be deeper reasoning as to why the collective and cliché New Year motivation feels unnatural? That drumming up life-changing resolutions in the dead of winter just may be a bit forced?  I believe so (and this is coming from a health coach who helps clients...
How To Eat During the Holidays & Stay Healthy

How To Eat During the Holidays & Stay Healthy

Holidays are a time to enjoy family, friends, and of course… food. It’s a time to celebrate, kick up your heels, and have a little extra this and that. Grandma’s Christmas cookies may be oh-so-divine, but are they healthy? What about the prime rib,...
My Favorite Lectin-Free & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes

My Favorite Lectin-Free & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes

I used to scour the grocery store aisles, picking up each can and soup carton, examining ingredients, only to painstakingly put the item back on the shelf sorely disappointed. Why was I so disappointed? The ingredients in each of the soups were filled with legumes,...
My Favorite Holiday Recipes

My Favorite Holiday Recipes

Eating healthy over the holidays does not mean you have to sacrifice flavor, festivity, or tradition. Over the years I have made a concerted effort to make healthy recipes taste like the real deal or better. Here are a list of my favorite healthy holiday recipes to...