Your Journey to Natural Self-Healing

Work With Cristy

Your body has the divine ability to self-heal naturally. Reveal optimal health by achieving authentic alignment; mentally, physically and spiritually. Transformative holistic experiences to finally achieve optimal health by lovingly addressing all parts of you. Scroll down to learn more about current offerings.

Holistic Healing Solution a natural self-healing journey designed to achieve optimal health naturally, eradicate symptoms, and find complete alignment. Cristy Powers signature program for anyone, autoimmune disease, chronic illness, Lupus, Hashimoto's, and more.

3-Month Transformation

A custom 3-month mind, body, spirit health transformation to address the root causes of inflammation and dis-ease. The exact protocol I used to overcome Lupus and Hashimoto’s naturally. 1:1 coaching program designed to empower you to reclaim your life, eradicate symptoms, and reveal optimal, vibrant health, as nature intended.

holistic health coaching with Cristy Powers for natural techniques for the body to self-heal naturally, mind, body, spirit.

Individual 1:1 Coaching Sessions

In a 60-min session with Cristy, you’ll receive a personalized holistic wellness plan to address your unique health goals; nutritional guidance, stress management, and customized recommendations.

Want to give the gift of health? Gift cards are available here.